Nighthunter S35 Scope Thermal

Nighthunter S35 Scope Thermal


Regular price $6,385.00 Sale price$3,499.00 Save $2,886.00
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Experience exceptional performance on the darkest of nights with crisp, clear images with the Steiner S35 Nighthunter thermal scope, powered by Quantum Vision.

A perfect combination of a state-of-the-art thermal sensor, outstanding display quality and proprietary software. Quantum Vision technology, together with outstanding usability, handling and legendary ruggedness, creates a superb night hunting thermal riflescope.

Easily detect coyotes and pigs past 2,000 yards and recognize within 500 yards taking predator and invasive species control to the next level. Customize color output, including Amber and display settings to maximize eye comfort on long nights behind the scope.

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